I-75 at Overpass Road from Old Pasco Road to Boyette Road
American is the prime designer on this design-build project for a new interchange along I-75 at Overpass Road from Old Pasco Road to Boyette Road. The one-mile reconstruction of Overpass Road and the new I-75 interchange will alleviate congestion at the adjacent SR 54 interchange, improve regional mobility, and support the significant growth in central Pasco County […]I-75 (SR 93) At Overpass Road New Interchange Design-Build
I-75 at Overpass Road from Old Pasco Road to Boyette Road
American is the prime designer on this design-build project for a new interchange along I-75 at Overpass Road from Old Pasco Road to Boyette Road. The one-mile reconstruction of Overpass Road and the new I-75 interchange will alleviate congestion at the adjacent SR 54 interchange, improve regional mobility, and support the significant growth in central Pasco County. This project is funded by Pasco County with management by FDOT District Seven. The project features a flyover ramp bridge for the westbound to southbound movement. There are two new bridges along Overpass Road over I-75. The project will reconstruct Overpass Road from a two-lane rural roadway to a four-lane urban divided roadway with sidewalk and bicycle lanes in both directions of travel. The project will also provide new mast arm traffic signals along Overpass Road at Old Pasco Road, at the west interchange intersection, at the east interchange intersection and at Boyette Road. A closed drainage system will be developed with both on-site and off-site ponds and permitting through SWFWMD. Utility relocations and improvements for Pasco County sanitary and water lines is included in the scope of work.