SR 10 over Marquis Bayou Bridge
This project includes the design of a replacement bridge over Marquis Bayou on a shifted alignment to the south to allow construction to take place in a single phase with minimal impacts to the motorists. The project included an alternatives analysis to determine the most appropriate alignment option, preparation of a Bridge Hydraulic Report, Bridge Development Report, approach […]SR 10 Over Marquis Bayou Bridge Replacement
SR 10 over Marquis Bayou Bridge
This project includes the design of a replacement bridge over Marquis Bayou on a shifted alignment to the south to allow construction to take place in a single phase with minimal impacts to the motorists. The project included an alternatives analysis to determine the most appropriate alignment option, preparation of a Bridge Hydraulic Report, Bridge Development Report, approach roadway plans and environmental and permitting for a new two-lane facility on a hurricane evacuation route over an Outstanding Florida Waterway. Design also included sidewalk and a shared use path. Environmental tasks included assisting the DOT with a bridge project questionnaire for the USCG, wetland delineation, and permitting over an Outstanding Florida Waterway. Based on input from the public involvement meeting, American assisted FDOT with the coordination efforts necessary to prepare and submit a Section 106 Case Study due to the historical significance of the bridge railings. Additional alternatives were prepared including a north and south bypass with detailed cost estimates. Additional public involvement assistance will be required once a determination has been made by SHPO concerning the impacts to the historical railings and the mitigation efforts required.